RA logo for Ridgefield Academy, a private co-ed day school located in Ridgefield, CT

Inclement Weather Information

There are many factors that are taken into account when determining to delay or cancel school, or call an early dismissal. Information collected from the local Police, Highway, Bus Transportation Company, and our Maintenance Department is carefully reviewed. Road conditions, precipitation, temperatures and forecasts are all considered when making a determination to delay or close school. As the weather in New England is often unpredictable, in some cases, a delay may be upgraded to a school closing based on worsening conditions. Information will always be relayed to our families via a text message and an eblast, and the status will be posted on the website. As always, the safety of our children is the priority in all decision making.

Below is a chart that outlines information about our communications and start times when we call for a change to our ordinary schedule:


In the event of a school closure, all sports programs and student activities will be cancelled for that day, unless otherwise communicated.

  • Please do not drop children off at school at their usual time. Staff members are only available to supervise students one hour before the delayed opening on that day.
  • School will be dismissed at the regular times on delayed opening days.
  • In the event of an early dismissal, parents/guardians will be notified as soon as a decision has been reached via text, email notification, and facebook posting.
  • It is imperative that you keep a current emergency telephone number updated in our Patriot Portal. Instructions on making changes can be found here. Consider making arrangements with a neighbor or friend to look after your child in the event you are not home.